Puducherry Beach | PONDICHERRY | Bahour | CRP | Coastal Line | Ending | Kokula Krishna Hari K | KK

Puducherry Beach | PONDICHERRY | Bahour | CRP | Coastal Line | Ending | Kokula Krishna Hari K | KK

Moorthykuppam Beach is the newly renovated beach in Bahour Commune of Puducherry (formerly Pondicherry). This is approximately 8.8 kilometres aware from the main Puducherry city or the white town.

This has a fantabulous approach road running for 4.2 kilometres to enjoy the scenic beauty. The one-track road for about a km, to a glorious sweep of white sand and the pleasant bliss, is deeply awaited. Very good romantic location but in the evening, care needs to be taken to visit this location as it is the dwelling spot of social intactivists. Enjoy the footage by Kokula Krishna Hari while visiting the location. This was shot in the month of September 2020.

A very good place for jogging too. Being a Pondicherryian, I love the development, but I feel it is useless as the funds deviated and some wasteland was prepared beautifully and kept unused.

#KokulaKrishnaHariK – ASDF International Secretary – Computer Science Specialist. Visit www.kokulakrishnaharik.in for more information.

Source Video: Click to Watch the Source

Tags: Kokula Krishna Hari K,ASDF,KKHari,KKKHari,Indian,KK,beach,puducherry,pondicherry,py beach,bahour,pondy beach,pondy,pondicherry beach,kae kae,enjoyment in pondy,romantic places,beaches in pondicherry,beach approach

Keywords: kokula krishna hari