AMD 50 | Bank Note | Fifty Dram | Kae Kae | CurrencyStackerKK | Armenia | Asia

AMD 50 | Bank Note | Fifty Dram | Kae Kae | CurrencyStackerKK | Armenia | Asia

50 Armenia Dram

The dram (Armenian: դրամ; sign: ֏; code: AMD) is the monetary unit of Armenia and the neighboring Republic of Artsakh. It was historically subdivided into 100 luma (Armenian: լումա). The word “dram” translates into English as “money” and is cognate with the Greek drachma and the Arabic dirham, as well as the English weight unit dram. The first instance of a dram currency was in the period from 1199 to 1375, when silver coins called dram were issued.

On 21 September 1991, a national referendum proclaimed Armenia as a republic independent from the Soviet Union. The Central Bank of Armenia, established on 27 March 1993, was given the exclusive right of issuing the national currency. In the immediate aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union attempts were made to maintain a common currency (the Russian ruble) among CIS states. Armenia joined this ruble zone. However, it soon became clear that maintaining a currency union in the unstable political and economical circumstances of the post-Soviet states would be very difficult. The ruble zone effectively collapsed with the unilateral monetary reform in Russia, 1993. As result the states that were still participating (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Moldova, Armenia and Georgia) were ‘pushed out’ and forced to introduce separate currencies. Armenia was one of the last countries to do so when it introduced the dram on 22 November 1993.

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Tags: Kokula Krishna Hari K,ASDF,KKHari,KKKHari,Indian,KK,Kae Kae,Krishna,Kokula,Hari,London,United Kingdom,IFS,Diplomat,Currency,Money,Banknotes,Paper,Polymer,CurrencyStacker,Hobby,Collector,Currency_Collector,Price,Value,Stock,Assets,Bank,Salary,Income,Commodity,Trading,Investment,Finance,Economics,Market,Exchange,bitcoin,forex,numismatics,coins,cryptocurrency,crypto,coin,numismatic,papermoney,forextrader,gold,business,collection,wealth,blockchain,entrepreneur,Dram,50Dram,Armenia,AMD

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