China – South Asia Technology Transfer Center June 2015
Speech in Detail
Your Excellencies, Honourable Ministers, Distinguished delegates, Ladies and Gentleman. I bring you warm greetings from the smile of India representing ASDF International, an International Organization catering and focussing Research and Development Globally in an equilateral style.
China is one among the countries which I am really impressed about the publication count and their global standing in Research and Development. I strongly go against the doughnuts and bar-charts which give in percentage globally. With a huge population the rate of 8.2% in the last 10 years is a quite impressive number. China and South Asia countries have multiple languages which they speak and write; and this is the major abstruseness in achieving the global impact of the research and its development. Unlike US and EU, almost 90% of South Asian countries have started implementing the International practices of documentation in English. South Asian countries have secured 5 positions among the top 25 countries by Research as per the Thomson Reuters. This is not so simple by practice, instead indicates the thrust shown across by the countries in fostering their Research and Development.
Sharing of Research work among the South Asia countries would create a huge impact. Making the research articles, patents and journals available to “One Asia” schema would be a great work. But it takes loads of efforts from all the Asian Countries and specially South Asian countries. As quoted by me earlier, there are numerous languages spoken across the South Asian countries. For example, India has almost 122 languages of 780 which are in dialect. Emphasizing to create articles in standard language English is a challenging one, but yet still Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculties is putting its fullest efforts.
At this junction, I would like to stress on the following two mechanisms which will surely increase the visibility of Innovation and Research in China and South Asian Countries as a whole among the other continents.
Initiate One Asia Research Portal to share the research work among the China and Asian Countries. Thrust English as the base language and translate the articles from vernacular language to English.
Initiate One Asia Research Co-operation (OARC) program similar to APEC program to foster joint research relationships. Further after implementation of this OARC, we can initiate the steps for GRC (Global Research Co-operation).
The first mechanism is very easy for the implementation and has less severity. The implementation can be even initiated on a co-operating Memorandum of Understanding. Whereas the second mechanism has a huge implementation facts which needs to be analysed in depth and requires Governmental efforts to ensure the lawful practical stubs into it.
South Asian countries should always stand United along with China which has just 2.2% papers less than United States of America and 10.4% papers greater than United Kingdom. This is a huge numerical value for calculation, but explicitly shows the research ability of China. China has stepped into various fields of research competing globally with a greater investment on Research. Not only China, most of the Asian countries have now started to believe in the concept of increasing the GDP through Research. This indicates that the work has contributed to subsequent research and can be considered as a mark of quality.
More number of Joint and Collaborative projects between Governments needs to be moderated by the Inter-Governmental Task Force. According to the PLOS Journal the national innovative capacity is highly dependent on R&D investment. The Asian countries spending more on R&D are Israel, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Qatar and to some extent, China, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, India, Iran and Turkey. These countries are spending more on R&D and generating more in research outcomes. The annual spending on R&D in Asian countries especially the wealthy Arab states is just 0.2% of the gross national product compared to the world average of 1.4%. The key enhancements for research is not the financial constraints, instead it is the encouragement which a Researcher requires.
Concluding, we are looking forward to continue working together with the China and South Asian countries on the aspect of sharing Innovation, Technology in all the verticals specifically Information Society community towards building a large castle of digital literacy driven by social elements at large.
Mr Chairman,
We take this opportunity to thank all the Member States and Stake Holders for their efforts towards finalization of the Outcome to be adopted by this high level China-South Asia Technology Transfer and Collaborative Innovation Forum 2015 and recommit for future participation from ASDF into this forum in future also.
I Thank you, Mr Chairman!
Personal Secretary (Recording In-Charge) : Konrad Martin