BGN 20 | Bank Note | Twenty Lev | Kae Kae | CurrencyStackerKK | Bulgaria | Europe

BGN 20 | Bank Note | Twenty Lev | Kae Kae | CurrencyStackerKK | Bulgaria | Europe

20 Bulgaria Lev

The lev (Bulgarian: лев, plural: лева, левове / leva, levove; ISO 4217 code: BGN; numeric code: 975) is the currency of Bulgaria. In old Bulgarian the word “lev” meant “lion”, the word ‘lion’ in the modern language is lаv (IPA: [ɫɤf]; in Bulgarian: лъв).

The lev is divided in 100 stotinki (стотинки, singular: stotinka, стотинка). Stotinka in Bulgarian means “a hundredth” and in fact is a translation of the French term “centime”. Grammatically the word “stotinka” comes from the word “sto” (сто) – a hundred.
Since 1997, the lev has been in a currency board arrangement with initially the Deutsche Mark at a fixed rate of BGL 1000 to DEM 1. After the introduction of the euro and the redenomination of the lev in 1999, this has resulted in a fixed rate to the euro of BGN 1.95583: EUR 1. Since 2020, the lev has been a part of the European Exchange

First lev (1881–1952) – The lev was introduced as Bulgaria’s currency in 1881 with a value equal to the French franc. The gold standard was suspended between 1899 and 1906 and suspended again in 1912. In 1928, a new gold standard of 1 lev = 10.86956 mg gold was established.

Second lev (1952–1962) – In 1952, following wartime inflation, a new lev replaced the original lev at a rate of 1 “new” lev = 100 “old” leva. However, the rate for banking accounts was different, ranging from 100:3 to 200:1.

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